Children from poverty-stricken mountainous areas live in poverty due to a limiting financial cap. If the child becomes ill or injured, many families are not able to obtain timely treatment for their children, because of the high medical expenses. Often, the necessary treatment is delayed, which can cause bodily harm, or even in some instances, death.
In light of this, Silver Lining provides medical assistance to these families, reducing the financial burden and allowing the sick children to receive timely treatment. The child’s rehabilitation progress and medical conditions are also monitored, to guarantee the child’s full recovery and to help abet any difficulties that might transpire.

In 2019, emergency medical assistance services were provided to 21 impoverished children and employees. Steps are being continuously being made to monitor the children’s recovery progress and medical conditions, and to accompany the recipient family through difficulties, so that the children can smile once again.
Myanmar - Pyin Oo Lwin
Sponsored treatment for a child with a broken bone
Sponsored a child with curvature of the spine and tuberculosis to undergo corrective surgery and treatment
Funded treatment for a Silver Lining Family Village employee suffering from cataracts
China - Guangxi
Sponsored two children with disabilities to undergo epilepsy examinations
Sponsored genetic testing for two children with disabilities
Sponsored treatment for a child with glaucoma
Sponsored a child who had a recurrence of a brain tumor to undergo an examination
Sponsored treatment for three children with broken bones
Sponsored treatment for a child with scars on their face
Sponsored a child to undergo genital stem surgery
Sponsored a child with long and short feet to undergo an examination
Sponsored a child with skin disease to undergo an examination
Sponsored a child with dwarfism to undergo an examination
Sponsored a child with burns for follow-up rehabilitation
Sponsored three children with bowel problems to undergo examinations
The Story of a Sick Child

Li Zheng Cui
- The Curvy Road -
- Family Village -

Wei Xiao Hui
- Seeing the Light Again -
- Caring Center -

- Impoverished children -
Meng Yong Fei
- The Boy with a Big Belly -