Xiao gang was born with a rare disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (commonly known as “glass bone”). The condition makes his bone brittle, causing even slight collisions to result in severe fractures. General mobility is difficult, and even simple actions like standing cannot be done alone.
When Xiao gang was nine years old, his mother took him to Silver Lining Rehabilitation Center, hoping that they could assist Xiao gang with rehabilitation training. Since then, Xiao Gang has worked hard to follow rehabilitation instructions without missing a day. Finally, three years ago, Xiao Gang was able to stand up with his own strength and move forward. At that moment, he was ecstatic, thrilled, and delighted with his achievement. The future seemed to open up and the road shone a little brighter. In addition to active learning and rehabilitation training, Xiao gang is now very concerned about the lives of children with other physical disabilities. He hopes to help more children in need to show them that they, too, can overcome.